Is Tedalafil The Same As Cialis


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francis p3 months ago

its funny how these ED commercials show chicks that are above average to very good looking, which is nowhere to what the women look like that the guys are having this problem with. chicks gotta remember that men are visual, fix yourself up and maybe guys won’t have this problem.
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Jay Woodard3 months ago

OMG… I was JUST ABOUT to say the same thing! The chicks in these commercials are all slim and at least fairly attractive.
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FCA19754 weeks ago

Tell me about it. If that sexy woman in that little tennis skirt does not get you in the mood, you might as well be dead.
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Brad King3 months ago

Prolargent 5×5 Extreme is amazing. It makes me feel like the real man in front of my wife after years. Thank you Prolargent 5×5 Extreme.
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Joan Brown4 months ago

The Cialis commercial I’m seeing now Oct. 1, 2014 shows a couple, she a brunette going to and entering a photo booth and another couple getting into their convertible, her a blonde. The man in both scenes looks like the same person. ??????????
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Corek BleedingHollow2 months ago

These commercials are amusing
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Mr Nobody2 months ago

What a low life ad to put on tv. Disgusting.. Must be plenty of sissies that need this poison..
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FCA19754 weeks ago

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mwells2191 month ago

Are you having difficulty getting hard for your trophy wife? See if cialis is right for you.
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Leonard Stetz2 months ago

If you have an erection that looks like the President or Speaker of the House, call your
Congressman at once………….
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Corvette Coupe7 months ago

Maybe your just tired of hitting the same hole year after year. He needn’t worry about the woman in the tennis outfit. She’s keeping the pool boy and her fitness trainer busy…
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nydeman5 months ago

the announcer talking about mens erectile dysfunction sounds very concerned for them…so gay!
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Mr Nobody2 months ago

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Gabriella Levy7 months ago

Remember they showed the people in tubs outdoors in this AD?
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tashalynn291 year ago

catchy tune….. as the person said before, it would make a cute ringtone