Buying Viagra Online Via Paypal

Shopping for Viagra online and paying with a PayPal account is quick and hassle-free. It’s also safe and secure — retailers won’t see any of your personal financial information and you’re protected from any unauthorized payments.

Step 1: Sign up
Sign up for a free, personal PayPal account. You’ll enter your contact information, your bank account, and any debit or credit cards you’d like to use, which will link directly to your account.

Step 2: Shop
Shop at online retailers that accept PayPal as a payment option.

Step 3: Find retailers through PayPal
Find retailers that accept PayPal directly on the PayPal web site. Simply select “Shopping” from the main page. Then shop by store name or categories, such as apparel, electronics, jewelry, or sports.

You can also type in the specific item you’re looking for in the search box and get a list of matching items from all retailers.

Step 4: Purchase
Purchase your item by adding it to the cart. Then select PayPal as your method of payment. You will be taken to the PayPal login screen.

You know a site is secure if the web site address begins “https”

Step 5: Log in
Log in to your account and choose to pay from your bank account, debit card, or any credit cards linked to your account and complete the payment process. You’ll receive a payment receipt from PayPal in your e-mail inbox, which you may print for your records. Now you can shop safely online.

Did You Know?
PayPal, founded in 1998, is the leading online payment company in the world, with more than 84 million active accounts by 2010.